Sunday, October 11, 2009

What brand of roller blades should i get?

ok so what do you think i should get, what kind of roller blades should i get, im just startin to get into it. but im still a rookie, and what roller blades would be best for a beginner for usein at a skate park???

What brand of roller blades should i get?
Rollerblade is a brand.

The generic term is "inline skates".

Just get whatever the cool people at the skate park have.
Reply:If you want to learn how to balance rolling, just go to Sports Authority or something to gets some basic fitness skates to familiarize yourself with rolling around. Stick to brands like Rollerblade, Salomon, and Bauer.

If you want to rollerblade at the skatepark and plan on doing tricks get some Razor, Usd, Valo. I'd stay away from Xsjado and Remz, they have too much flex and large soulplates that will only cause you to have the wrong technique. In rollerblading you have to learn to bend your knees.


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