Sunday, March 14, 2010

I got called out the front the other day because this girl was threatening my daughter?

she was about to lay into her while I was stood there and when I told her to leave her alone she called me a fat obese c**nt, she is 12. Anyway the only way I could stop her knocking 7 bells out of my daughter was to raise the roller blades I had in my hand and make out I was going to throw them at her, lets face it I couldn't exactly drag her off or hit her because I would have an assault charge on my hands. She continued hurling abuse at me but backed off my daughter, she is evil her family have been evicted and moved back down to my area, I spoke to the mother and because I did that with the roller blades Im the one in the wrong and her daughter has not been punished for anything, not even when I told her what she called me etc. My question is what would you have done in the same situation, I acted on instinct to protect my daughter, there were 4 of them to my one daughter. Did I do the wrong thing.

I got called out the front the other day because this girl was threatening my daughter?
You are the grown up and you have choices. Threatening to attack a child with a weapon isn't necessary unless there was reason to believe the girl had a weapon. A potty mouth is not a weapon. What was stopping you from taking your daughter and leaving? Yes, you did the wrong thing.

You can't force the girls mother to be a parent. Obviously that's not her interest. I frankly suggest if this becomes a problem, that you should protect your daughter by moving out of the area.
Reply:how about going to the principal and having her pulled in the office,she needs some serious help and her family is not giving it to her... so yes i would of probably done the same thing,although its not right.. we are parents and we are suppose to be able to handle these little brats... however,everyone has a limit and if your threaten my daughter,and its 4 against 1.. i will go to jail for her if i have to... its just a mothers instinct to protect her own. that child needs some love and attention and someone to talk to.. her mother failed doing her job or she wouldnt of ended up like this... what a sad situation....
Reply:I personally would have walked up to my daughter and instructed her to come back home. Then I would have confronted the mother at a later time. Another thing you can do in the future is record the incident on a camcorder. That way you will have the evidence with you when you inform the mother. That way her daughter cannot deny what really happened.

Plus, you will have a record of incidents. Acts like this should be reported to CPS when they continue to happen.
Reply:You did the right thing. However, I do know of some parents that would of sicced some punk *** kids on that 12 year old.
Reply:No, you did the right thing. If anything, you showed remarkable restraint.

This 12-year-old girl is more proof that our society is raising a generation of spoiled, disrespectful brats.

And that is because the words "corporal punishment" have become dirty words.

When my brothers and I were 12, we would never have THOUGHT of calling any adult the same names that this insolent brat called you.

I read and hear about this sort of thing all the time -- kids calling adults names that were NEVER used toward adults when I was a kid. "Spare the rod, spoil the child" is so true, it isn't funny.

Reply:You didn't do anything wrong, you didn't actually throw the roller blades at her, and her mother should punish her and give her discipline. But it sounds like she is just like her mother, if I were you I would call child services. People need to discipline their kids and it's possible that there's some else going on in their house. Why did they get evicted in the first place. Tell child services whats going on as far as you know and that your concerned. You need to protect your daughter and if this is the way a 12 year old is acting there's gotta be a reason for it.
Reply:i think u handled the situation in the best way u knew how to at that moment, i would have done the same thing, although i dont have children but if i did..or if someone was bothering my siblings or neices/nephews...

it may not have been the best thing to do and u probably realize that now, but at the time if thats all u could do 2 protect your daughter than i dont think u did nething wrong


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