Wednesday, March 17, 2010

If you can be doing anything right now, what would you do?

I'd be on roller blades chasing a midget down a parking lot with a baseball bat. What about you?

If you can be doing anything right now, what would you do?
That's exactly what I was going to say!
Reply:I'd have an entourage of dwarfs dressed as oompa lumpas following me wherever I go.
Reply:If i could i would go out and rent some good movies,making some popcorns and relax all night:)
Reply:honestly... sleeping
Reply:I could use a good game of tennis. Or in my case, chase the ball. I only play for the exercise.

Reply:Be at the beach, reading a book relaxing and listening to the waves.
Reply:daveey and stevvie both gay pa rtners, etc, instead of being under these hot studio lights right now both higly payed , male modells, on a small break right now one word comes too mind or three things etc, skinny dipping in our pool, its here in arizonia right now miserable, or, getting drunk, or doing the big bang in bed!!
Reply:my boyfriend.
Reply:Baking in the sun on the beach, with a cold one..or two.
Reply:at home with my daughter.
Reply:I'd be having sex with my girlfriend, but damnit she's working right now, so that's out of the question. Other than that I'd probably be out looking for a job and filling out more applications, but I'm taking a break today. I did enough over the weekend.
Reply:I would be at the skate park skateboarding.
Reply:Any where but work right now, somewhere I can see the sea and just relax. And Shopping, don't forget.
Reply:I would be on the beach reading a book!
Reply:Sipping a cajun martini after having sex with my wife.
Reply:I would be opening a school to teach people common sense. Today's lecture would be using common sense while driving.
Reply:I wouldn't be working, that for sure! I'd be decorating my baby's room :)
Reply:id be getting chased by a fella on blades with a baseball bat!!
Reply:bungee jumping
Reply:I,d love to be in Las Vegas gambling %26amp; seeing the sites, always been my dream to go there before I die.
Reply:sleeping on a huge bed laying in my crushes arm
Reply:I would be getting a manicure and pedicure right before giving birth!
Reply:answering to people questions on Yahoo! Answers
Reply:laying on the couch at the girl im dating's house
Reply:Banging the sh*t out of Mariah Carey

Excuse me since someone gave me a thumbs down....

I'd be making sweet love to Mariah Carey!
Reply:I'd be at a Revolting Cocks concert with everything being free and no people taller than me {so I can see this time}
Reply:swimming in the lap of luxury.
Reply:I'd love to be with my boyfriend right now. I miss him and he won't be back from a fishing-trip until next Monday.

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