Wednesday, March 17, 2010

People who are 25 years old. question.?

I've noticed that American kids now are riding on electric/gas scooters, sit all day on the computer. Children are getting fatter and fatter.

When I was young, I did a paper route and saved up so I could buy my own bike. I still remember my 10 speed Huffy. I thought it was cool because it had mud tires and a lot of neon green stickers.

I also remember when I got my first roller blades(upgraded from Roller Skates). Jump rope was cool, pogo sticks, Skip-its.

Well, my point is, when we were young, we did things that were fun and physically demanding.

What are some things that you did when you were young and what are some things now that just make you mad?

People who are 25 years old. question.?
when I was a child I used to build forts from limbs and rocks, or from beds, boxes and blankets. I used to go walking, climbing trees, and imagining I was in lands of dragons and wood elves and speak appropriately to each while always watching the sun to prevent the goblins from grabbing my ankles as I ran to the door for dinner. As I got older I wrote and read alot.

It makes me angry and sad to see 7 year olds with cell phones, 8 year olds with ipods, and crying because they got the green one and not the blue!
Reply:I agree! I teach 7th grade, and most of my students spend their days drooling in front of the TV or wasting brain cells playing video games for hours. When I was a kid, we played outside all day until it was time to go in for dinner. We played in the pond, picked blackberries, jumped on the trampoline, and went rock climbing. I think parents should "unplug" their kids and make them go outside and play!

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